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ISIC or ITIC card is issued to those applicants who indicated true information and attached a photo and a (pupil/student/teacher) status proof.
ISIC representative, at his/her own discretion, may additionally verify pupil, student or teacher status and document conformity in the educational institution. ISIC representative conducts the verification without applicant’s agreement.
If information proves to be incorrect or intentionally misleading, including, but not limited to another person’s data use, ISIC might contact the Latvian State Police.
No card will be issued and the payment will be returned to those who misinform or mislead the company.
SIA „ISIC.LV” issues ISIC scholar ID to the pupils of the following educational institutions:
• pupils of municipal and private general education institutions;
• boarding school pupils;
• pupils of Latvian accredited private secondary schools, gymnasiums;
• pupils of vocational secondary schools and technical schools.
SIA „ISIC.LV” issues ISIC student ID to the students of Latvian licensed and accredited higher schools and colleges.
SIA „ISIC.LV” issues ITIC teacher ID to the teachers and administrative officers (except technical staff) of the following educational institutions:
• preschool educational institutions;
• municipal and private general education institutions;
• higher schools;
• colleges; boarding schools and special education institutions;
ITIC cards are issued if a letter on official stationery from an educational institution proves that the teacher works at least 18 hours a week in the given educational institution.
All the above mentioned educational institutions must be registered in the register of educational institutions and accredited in order for their students/staff to receive ISIC or ITIC card.
ITIC cards, based on additional proof, can be issued to:
• teachers, private tutors who have private practice certificate and can prove they are engaged in private practice at least 18 hours a week.
• teachers of municipal interest-related education institutions, if the charter of their represented interest-related education institution establishes compliance with the following requirements:
o classes in Children and Youth Centre are held five/six days a week;
o interest-related education institution organizes activities for pupils throughout the calendar year;
o interest-related education institution target audience is children and youth 13 to 25 years old.
The card is issued to the teachers of interest-related education institutions, if they prove that they perform teacher’s functions in Children and Youth Centre at least 18 hours a week.
! ITIC cards are not issued to the trainers of educational institutions for continuing education and professional development programs: training centres etc.
3. Proof of status documents
Pupils – scholar ID/ scholar e-card/ letter on official school stationery scanned in such a way that the following information would be seen: name and surname of the student, name of educational institution, form attended by the pupil, the validity period or the academic year to which the document refers.
ISIC card validity conforms to the period of validity of the status indicated in ID document, ISIC card being issued for the academic year referred to in the proof from educational institution. The letter must not be older than 3 months at the time of its submission.
Students should attach a scanned copy of their student ID/ letter on official higher school/college stationery where the following information is indicated: the validity period or the academic year to which the document refers, name and surname of the student, name of educational institution, enrolment status.
ISIC card validity conforms to the period of validity of the student status indicated in the document, ISIC card being issued for the academic year referred to in the higher school/college proof. The letter must not be older than 3 months at the time of its submission.
Teachers should attach a letter on official stationery from an educational institution that proves their employment status and workload in the educational institution.
The letter must not be older than 3 months at the time of its submission. Private tutors and teachers of interest-related education institutions should present additional proof – charter, workload proof, private practice certificate.
When receiving ISIC card in the office, the original(s) of study/work status proof(s) should be presented!
4. ISIC card photo
The photo attached to the application should meet the following criteria:
• passport-size photo;
• the photo should be of the person whose data is entered into the system;
• photo layout - portrait;
• background - plain;
• there should be no items covering face, such as sunglasses etc.
5. Card validity
Unless otherwise stated in mutual agreements between ISIC and schools, card validity is regulated by international ISIC association terms and conditions.
International ISIC association terms and conditions establish:
1) ISIC card is valid for up to 16 months from the beginning of an academic year. The card is issued based on a status proof (a document presented, data base) in a particular academic year.
2) Card validity period only changes in the beginning of an academic year (in Latvia - after September 1).
3) Documents accepted as status proof are mentioned in the clause 3. No other type of documents or proof will be accepted.
4) Card information and validity should be checked immediately upon receipt.
5) Any questions or doubts can be clarified upon card receipt.
6. Card application and issue time
Cards applied for on www.isic.lv can be received in ISIC office no later than 2 months from application submission. Cards that have not been collected during the period of 2 months will be destroyed. Payment for the cards that have not been collected will not be refunded.
Data will be used for card personalization and will be stored in ISIC.lv and international ISIC asociattion's data base. If customer had choosed to get newsletter, he will receive newsletters to email. Customer can decline from the news by clicking "decline from newsletter" at the bottom of newsletter message.
Return policy: customer can return card if the data on the card are not correct and the mistake is made by ISIC office.
The status of ISIC scholar and ITIC card holders can be verified in the National Education Information System database (VIIS).
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